Individual Donations

First Candle

You can make a donation to the Noah's Walk Fund in one of three ways:

  1. Make a donation in cash or by check (made out to First Candle) during the walk

  2. Click here to make an online donation to the Noah's Walk Fund through the secure First Candle website

  3. Send an email to to get details on where to send a check if you are not able to attend the walk 

Walker Sponsorship

There is no required donation to participate - we do not want there to be any barriers to participation for anyone who wants to walk. However, we do ask you to consider making some kind of donation to further this cause. All funds raised will go to the Noah's Walk Fund within First Candle, a national nonprofit organization uniting parents, caregivers and researchers with government, business and community service groups to advance infant health and survival. With help from a national network of partner organizations, they are looking to increase public participation and support in the fight against stillbirth, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other causes of sudden unexpected infant death. Some of the money raised by the walk in previous years has gone into improving the grief resources in our community. For more information, visit 

Call Us: +1.2076026849


Walkers can gather donations either individually or as a team. People often use this as a way to gather donations in memory of a specific baby. We also welcome organizations that would like to walk as a group and others who want to support the cause as a team. We encourage teams to identify with signs, t-shirts, uniforms or other displays during the walk. 

If you would like to gather donations from others who sponsor you or your team: 

  1. Download the Walk Sponsor Tracking Sheet (below) to track your sponsorships

  2. Gather sponsors and their donations

  3. Turn in your Walker Sponsor Tracking Sheet and all donations when you register on the day of the walk

  4. If your sponsors would like to donate online, note their donation on your Walker Sponsor Tracking Sheet and provide them with the following link: